Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Most memorable internship experience at YNN Buffalo

Assignment: Short write-up:  What has been your most memorable internship experience so far:

Air One circling Jorden's home
      BUFFALO, NY - Thursday, June 14, 2012. The search was still on for Dr. Timothy Jorden, a trauma surgeon and person of interest in the fatal shooting of former lover, Jackie Wisniewski just the morning before at Erie County Medical Center in Buffalo. 
       A neighbor told police he heard a gunshot Wednesday morning behind Jorden's Lake View house. Police now say this gunshot was heard only hours after the murder occurred.
        Police were on-scene when I interned at YNN Buffalo on Thursday but there was still no sight of Jorden. 
        By late afternoon, YNN Buffalo's Kate McGowen and I headed out to Jorden's residence. Upon arrival, we were advised by police to stay about a half-mile away from his home at the intersection of Old Lake Shore Rd. and W. Arnold Dr. We parked, set the camera up and started rolling to capture some B-roll. Soon enough, we were joined by three other local news stations.
         After about an hour of very little activity, police and K9 vehicles pulled out from Jorden's home. Was the search over? No. The next moment an Air One helicopter circled around the region to get a better look of the surrounding area. 
         After two and a half hours of standing in the heat of the day waiting for an update on the search, another reporter came to relieve Kate McGowen and me. As we left the scene, we couldn't help but wonder how this tragic story would end.
         Friday morning I discovered on Twitter that Dr. Jorden's body was found with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. The body was located directly behind Jorden's house . . . a two-minute walk from where I had been standing just 24 hours beforehand. 
        This was the most memorable and most captivating news report I have been involved in since the start of my internship. Although it was a tragic event, it was incredibly interesting to watch the story unfold before my very own eyes.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderfully written. Who's your editor? He is amazing!
